Jeorja Duffy

studio a

keywords (ongoing)

A collection of keywords sourced from readings, audio, documentaries and conversations.

material library (ongoing)

A collection of cloths I am using to create my forms. I intend for this exercise to document my encounter with the materials, noting relevant information regarding the material’s history, name, smell, texture, etc. This will help research affect, encounter, material language, and duration. Just Jeans Soft, elastic. Adrift Sheer,…

week six critique & final installation

Points of reflection After the critique these are the points of reflection to take into consideration for my summative work. Critique Installation Reflecting on my critique installation, I have focused on developing from the density and space. The primary consideration was placing my work within a passage to create a…

research: Anne Keefe – “Affective Encounter”

This text is the derived introduction of Anne Keefe’s essay, featured in Signs, a journal exploring women’s studies, published in the Winter 2015 edition. Keefe’s text, Introduction: The Affective Encounter, introduces the essays that explore the political possibilities of the arts. These topics concern phenomenology, affect studies and the senses.  This text introduces…

week five notes

Thinking towards what is practice, I am interested to see how I can create methods that will engage with my research into material encounter, affective encounter, to assist with my studio-making. As further documentation into the cyclical process I am engaging with. Notes from lunchtime talk with Jeena.

recycled making part ii

Today, I installed my work in progress, two strings made from strips of recycled clothing. In conversation with Ingrid, the ‘ruptures’ were discussed, as they create interruptions throughout the work. In this case, the small pockets of colour acted as ruptures; this, about affect, heightens the viewer’s involvement as it…

one to ones

I had a great conversation with Ingrid about the autonomy of affect, diving deep into the philosophy of how the artist and viewer encounter art. I am interested to explore how I approach the encounter as well as challenge the risk of colour in my practice. I found the word,…

recycled making

In the past week, I have been testing the method of creating my yarn/thread using recycled material. I sourced the rags from Bunnings, which are cuts of old clothing. As a test, I have been cutting the material into strips and connecting each strip to make one continuous thread. So…

artist research: Brenda Miller and Post-Minimalism

The text I have derived for today is Cynthia Fowler’s text, Brenda Miller and Post-Minimalist Art featured in the Women’s Art Journal. It is focused on artist Brenda Miller and her relationship to help foster post-minimalism. Fowler explores predominantly female artists in the 1960s, when female artists struggled to break…

PG Visual Conference

Summary There was a wide collection of quotes from this conference. I found relations between my practice/project that each presenter articulated from various positions. It is encouraging to have this dialogue come from artists in the exegesis stage. I have also gained further written material to engage with and add…

artist research: Robert Morris – “Notes on Sculpture”

Robert Morris, a sculptor and writer, is widely regarded as one of the central theorists of Minimalism. His contributions have been significant in the growth of performance, land, and installation art, enhancing our understanding of temporality and ephemerality. [1] Notes on Sculpture is a four-part essay in the book Minimal…

artist research: Germaine Koh

From the first practice discussion I was directed towards artist Germaine Koh and their work, Knitwork. Germain Koh sits in the context of craft, textile, and fibre artists. They sit in the position as the performer, the maker. Knitwork is a continuous piece spanning through their life, using the method…

making, tufting

Felting Tests Today was a time to experiment with fibres, to gain knowledge of the facilities offered. I am delighted the process of yarn spinning is available, however there will be a wait for the machine to be installed. Felting and tufting were both enjoyable and pliable techniques, whether these…

practice discussion: part ii

After a fruitful discussion, I find myself with numerous paths to explore. I perceived the potential for the interpretation of the red stitches as a score or script, as a pathway to explore. This concept of diagramming in space has been consistent in my installations. From this point, there will…

artist research: Turumeke Harrington

Turumeke Harrington is an artist who’s art plays inside the audiences minds. There is an intuitive nature to the making, through the conversation of design and craft. I was intrigued by their denial of political motivation for the crossover of art, design and craft. It comes with the consideration of…